Print Menu Builder

The Print Menu Builder will help you print out great menus faster and make sure that they are always up to date. You can make as many different menus as you want, and it's easy to create a new one for a special occasion or event. 

Getting Started

First, navigate to the Print Menu page in the dashboard by clicking on the Print Your Menu button in the navigation on the left. 

From here, you can either create a new print menu or edit one that you've already created. For print menus you've already created, you can also print your menu, copy the menu, get a public link that you can share with anyone, or delete the menu if you would like to. 

If you choose to create a new print menu, you'll be taken to a screen to choose some options for your new menu. First, name the new menu, select the layout you'd like and then choose the menus or info that you'd like included in your new menu. You can always change all of these options later also when you go to edit your menu. 

Editing Your Print Menu

After you select all of the appropriate options and hit save at the bottom, you will be taken to the editor screen to further edit your menu or print it. The first section you'll see at the top of the editor allows you to control each of the different sections on your menu. The edit buttons on the right are where you can go to change the settings for each section, and the arrow buttons allow you to rearrange sections. 

The Menu Settings Section- Editing the Layout and Design of Your Menu

As you scroll down the print menu editor page you will see a section named Menu Settings that has controls for many different areas of your print menu. 

The first few options on this page allow you to change the menu layout, paper size, upload a custom background image, and change the way prices display on your print menu. 

The bottom section in the print menu builder allows you to edit the fonts on your menu, as well as their size and color. When you're all done editing your menu, hit Save and Print at the bottom to generate a new pdf of your updated menu.