Business Mobile App

Download our free business app so you can start managing your menu lists directly from your phone! The app is available from the App Store (Apple iOS) and the Google Play Store (Android)

Getting Started

Your login for the business mobile app is the same as your login for the dashboard. Simply download the app and log in to get started. 

The first screen you see when you log in is the Beer List screen, from here you can manage your draft and bottle lists. 

Menu Navigation

You can navigate to different screens in the app by clicking on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the app. 

Clicking on the menu icon expands a side menu that allows you to navigate to other screens. 

We'll break down what each of the screens in the app does below: 

Menus (Beer, Wine, Spirits, Cocktails, Non-Alcoholic, Custom Lists like Food, etc.): From the menu list screens, you can add, edit, or remove menu items from any of your  menu lists. This is helpful for managing changes to your lists while you're away from a computer. 

Inventory List: Manage your beverage inventory from the palm of your hand. Update on-hand counts for your entire beverage program on your mobile device so that you don't have to use pen and paper and enter them into a computer later. 

Instagram Manager: Stay up to date with recent updates to your Instagram account at a glance, build content for a new post based on recent updates to your beverage menus. 

Social Post Composer: This is similar to the post composer in the dashboard, but is more limited in how it functions. You can quickly create posts for items you've recently added to your menus. 

Social Monitoring: Flags potentially negative social media posts about your business so that you can respond appropriately.