Request Ownership of a Google My Business Page

If a Google My Business listing has already been verified and you're authorized to manage the listing, you can request ownership from the current listing owner.

To request ownership of a storefront business from the current listing owner:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the name and address of your business, then select it from the search results.
  3. Click Continue. You'll see a message indicating that someone else verified the listing. Otherwise, you can claim and verify the listing yourself.
  4. Click Request access and fill out the form.
  5. Click Submit. The current listing owner will receive an email asking them to get in touch with you, and you’ll receive a confirmation email.

What to do after you've requested ownership

Once you've requested ownership, the current listing owner will have 7 days to respond. You can check the status of your request by signing in to Google My Business or clicking the link in your confirmation email.

If your request is approved

If your ownership request is approved, you'll be notified by email and will be able to manage the listing in Google My Business.

If your request is denied

If your ownership request is denied, you'll be notified by email and when you sign in to Google My Business. You can still suggest an edit to the listing or, in some cases, appeal the denied request.

If you don't hear back

If you don't get a response after 7 days, you might have the option to claim the listing yourself. Just sign in to Google My Business and look for a Claim or Verify button on your dashboard. (If you don't see an option to claim the listing, that means it's not eligible to be transferred.)