
Main dashboard

The Evergreen dashboard provides you with an overview of relevant stats that reflect how your loyalty program is performing.

To make them meaningful, information displayed is segregated into Visits, Activity, Retention, Feedback Rating, Referral Program, and Customer Profiles.


Starting off, the Visits are displayed including weekly stats for the Total visits, Returning visits, and Last period. A count for each of these is displayed at the top.


By default, the time period is set to Week. However, you can change it to Day, Month, Year, All Time, and Period (Custom Range) using the action buttons on the top-right corner.

Time Period

On the right side of the graph are three more indicators that include Returning visits, New members, and Referrals. Each of these is displayed via a graphical representation at the center.


Hovering over a particular bar reveals a tooltip displaying the count for each indicator for the selected date. Each stat in this tooltip is color-coded for easier identification.


The Activity section includes a couple of graphs named New Clients and Issued Cards.

Displaying the activity stats for your business, the New Clients graph has the number of new clients onboarded via Evergreen against each day of the week.

Hovering over a date displays a tooltip displaying the number of new clients registered on the app on the specific date.

Similarly, the Issued Cards graph displays the number of issued cards mapped against each day of the week.

Hovering over a date reveals a tooltip displaying the number of cards issued on that specific date.


The Retention Rate graph shows the retention rate of customers mapped against a time period of 60, 120, and 240 days.

Retention Rate

By default, retention rate for 60 days is displayed. However, you can change it to 120 and 240 using the action buttons at the top-right corner.

Time Period

Moreover, hovering over a bar reveals a tooltip displaying the retention rate for the current period and previous period on the specific date. The retention rate for the current period is displayed in blue-color whereas the orange color is used to represent the retention rate for the previous period.

Feedback Rating

This section includes a number of tiles to represent the satisfaction level of your customers.

Each counts should loyalty members who left feedback, positive deedbacks, and reviews on cards during the selected time period displayed via individual tiles.

This is followed by the Average Loyalty Level tile that represents the loyalty level of the customers via a star rating.

Average Loyalty Level

Towards the end of this section are a couple of graphs that display the Loyalty Level and Dissatisfied members during the selected time duration.

Loyalty Level and Dissatisfied Members

By default, Week is selected as the time duration. However, you can change it to Day, Month, Year, All Time, and Period (Custom Range) using the action buttons at the top-right corner.

Time Period: Referral Program

To start off, the Shared Cards tile displays the count of cards shared by the customers as referral during the selected timeframe.

As the name says, this section includes all the stats relevant to the referral program offered by your business.

Shared Cards

Similarly, Cards installed by referrals tile displays the count of cards installed by customers via a referral.

Cards Installed by Referrals

New Referral Members tile displays the count of the members that have been onboarded via referrals during the defined time period.

New Referral Members

Revenue from Referrals tile shows the amount in revenue generated from the referrals.

Revenue from Referrals

This is followed by the Referral Program Dynamic graph which maps the performance of the referral program against each day of the week.

Referral Program Dynamic

Hovering over a bar reveals a tooltip displaying the referral program performance on the specific date.

Towards the end is the New Referral Members graph. This maps the number of new referral members against each date of the week.

New Referral Members

By default, the time period is set to Week. However, you can change it to Day, Month, Year, All Time, and Period (Custom Range) using the action buttons at the top-right corner.

Time Period: Customer Profile

This section provides insights into existing customer profiles for your business.


Moving forward, the Devices pie chart displays a segregation of customer profiles with respect to the devices they used for add loyalty cards.


This is followed by an Age graph that displays the customer profiles falling within specific ranges with a separate colors to reflect gender.

Hovering over the age range bar reveals a tooltip displaying the number of customer profiles in each gender.