Push Notifications: Push Section: Marketing Push

Learn how the marketing push is setup

Marketing push mailing

Evergreen> Left-Hand Menu > Push

Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Send Push tab.

From the Card dropdown under Send Push heading, choose the card you want to send push notifications for. All the created cards are populated in this dropdown.

Card Dropdown

For All Customers

By default, the 'For All Customers' option is selected. It means that the push notifications will be sent to all customers having the selected card.

Selected Segment

However, if you want to send push notifications to selective customers, click the Selected Segment button.

Condition dropdown

This reveals another dropdown from where you can select a specific condition to define the segment you want to send push notifications to. The options include Current number of uses, unused rewards, and number of stamps.

Operator Dropdown

The next dropdown lets you choose the operator to which you want to define the condition.

Selected Segment

At the end is the count field. Here, you can define the count of the defined condition. For instance, if you enter 4 in this field, it means that push notifications will be sent to the customers who have used the selected card exactly 4 times. Moreover, the number of customers falling in the defined criteria is also displayed below the drop downs.


Furthermore, if you want to schedule a push notification, mark the Schedule checkbox.


This reveals a date/time selector on the right side. You can choose the date and time at which you want the scheduled push notification to be sent.


Enter the message you want to send via the push notification using the Message textbox. You can also include smileys by clicking the icon below.


Once the selections are made, click the Send button.

Send Push

This opens the Send Push popup with the selections you made displayed to you for review. To confirm, click the Send button.


This schedules the push notification and it is displayed in the History log.