Instagram Posting From Business App

Our business app allows you to create content to post on Instagram in a few easy steps. This helps you create a photo collage using logos from beverages on your list and also copy and paste the items on your beverage list to share on Instagram so that you don’t always have to complete these tasks manually in another program.

Navigate to the Instagram Manager screen in the app.

Click on New Instagram Post.

Swipe through your beverage logos at the top and click on the ones you’d like to assemble into a collage. Choose between 1-4 photos, or skip this step if you choose, and then click the Next button at the bottom.

Select whether you’d like to copy the text of your full draft list, select recently added beverages (added within the past 48 hours), or skip copying your beverage list.

Choose which beverages you’d like to copy the text for. If you chose full draft list you have the option to deselect any beverage, and if you chose recently added you have the option to pick from your beverages added in the past 48 hours. Once you’re happy with the beverages you chose, hit the button at the bottom of the screen to launch Instagram.

Optionally add any hashtags that you'd like to include in the text of your post. We'll remember any hashtags you add for future use. 

If you created a photo collage it should automatically be selected when Instagram launches. Choose a filter as desired and proceed to the next step in creating your post on Instagram.

Once you reach the page to write your caption, simply tap and hold down in the caption text field to paste your beverage list in if you previously copied it in the app. Otherwise write your caption as desired and your photo is ready to post!